Category: ♦ Blog

About Art, Artists and how the world looks to some of us.

Once More…blah blah blah

“Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more; Or close the wall up with our artistic dead! ” Serious illness and a few other adventures later, I’m…

Artist Alert: Don’t work for free when others are being paid!!!

Expecting an artist to work for free when others are being paid is

Hard work is NOT the key to success!

The ugly truth of the successful is that luck was the single most important ingredient to

Artist Alert: Stop Talking!!

Getting your work out there is super easy, but getting your work out there by selling your art is not. It makes little difference if you are a

Beware of Artists: Revealed!

Have you seen this so called ? “…Actual poster from the mid-50’s issued by Senator Joseph McCarthy? Is it Real or

A Hoax, The Arts & McCarthyism

Have you seen this? “…Actual poster from the mid-50’s issued by Senator Joseph McCarthy at the height of the Red Scare and anti

Artist Alert: You Have Been Taking It Up The Ass Since 1969!

Time to break out that good old jar of Vaseline, boys and girls. I like many of you artists out there have over the years, donated artwork to

Photographers are NOT terrorists!!!

A quiet struggle has been taking place here in the United States and abroad. Photographers have been bullied, lied to, detained and arrested because they were acting suspiciously….

Heaven and Hell: the artist’s studio

The creation of art is a strange thing; the process involves you being either buffeted by the currents