Beware of Artists: Revealed!

beware of artsits-MemeHave you seen this so called ? “…Actual poster from the mid-50’s issued by

Senator Joseph McCarthy? Is it Real or

just a Hoax?

Submitted for your perusal, is this portrait of a meme. An idea gone viral, standing as testament to that age old warning, “Caveat Emptor”; buyer beware. The buyer in this case is all of us, the pig in that poke, we just purchased, is the subject of this submission.

The words were said—actually written—but NOT by that master of self-delusions with visions of grandeur, Senator Joseph McCarthy! So who in the hell is responsible for this hypocritical and  slanderous slur?

The Suspects:

Senator Joseph McCarthy
Senator Joseph McCarthy

Queen Victoria
Queen Victoria by Bassano

Richard Milhous Nixon
Richard Milhous Nixon
Alright, he’s not a suspect, but he looks guilty of something.

Who Is the Guilty Person
So who Is the Guilty Person, who said it?…was it me, was it you?

No. The Author is………

Leopold I

A German prince who became the first King of the Belgians following the country’s independence in 1830. He reigned between July 1831 and December 1865.

Beware-of-Artist-SourceIn a letter to Queen Victoria:
The King of the Belgians to Queen Victoria.
10th October 1845

My Dearest Victoria, —

. . . All you say about our dear Albert, whom I love like my own child, is perfectly true. The attacks, however unjust, have but one advantage, that of showing the points the enemy thinks weakest and best calculated to hurt. This , being the case, Anson, without boring A. with daily accounts which in the end become very irksome, should pay attention to these very points, and contribute to avoid what may be turned to account by the enemy. To hop to escape censure and calumny is next to impossible, but whatever is considered by the enemy as a fit subject for attack is better modified or avoided. The dealings with artists, for instance, require great prudence; they are acquainted with all classes of society, and for that very reason dangerous; they are hardly ever satisfied, and when you have too much to do with them, you are sure to have des ennuis. . . .Your devoted Uncle, Leopold R. (excerpt from “The Letters of Queen Victoria, a Selection from Her Majesty’s Correspondence Between the Years 1837 and 1861”)

An now you know the facts.  Spread the truth far and wide.

And the next time, someone offers you one of those memes, be careful.  God only knows what kinds of germs may be crawling all over it.

~from the easel of
Julian Greigh


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  1. 1) I am not reveal…ing myself…right now anyways…
    2) In the words of Queen Victoria… “I am not amused”…. with the King of Belgians;)

  2. Though many a meme may make me chuckle, I believe I’ve avoided sharing this particular one with anyone but your own esteemed self, for reasons that have become even more evident with your research.

  3. Many thanks for the good words.

  4. Years later come to find out Sen Joe McCarthy was right,…there are Communist in our government

  5. steam1912

    Ooooo! Where?

  6. Brian Andrews

    Obama, being a right of center moderate as – demonstrated by both his foreign and domestic policies – cannot realistically be termed a communist, not even a socialist. Only by the hysterically biased far-right in the US could he even be considered a leftist. Leftists – even the moderates – are largely disappointed in Obama. Americans by and large don’t seem to realize just how rightward their political system has been skewed in comparison with the rest of the civilized world. The rest of the world sees Obama, accurately, as largely continuing the same foreign policy as his predecessors, and making tiny steps toward bringing US social policy into the 21st century. Perhaps with a less obstructionist Congress he could have made further steps to making the US a more progressive polity. It remains to be seen what the electorate will do now that the Republicans seem to be finally self-destructing.

  7. Muriel

    That would be Leopold I, not Leopold II – who was only 10 when the letter was written in 1845, and not yet King of the Belgians. Leopold I was his father, and lived until 1865 – . Leopold II was the man responsible for the Congo Free State atrocities.

  8. You are absolutely right, it was the father not the son. Thanks for the correction.

  9. Biffster

    Leopold I, Leopold II….what’s the difference with the head cut off.

  10. Great article! I’m often leery of internet quotes, your debunking is most welcome and uncovers an equally unpleasant source for the quote.